The day before Kristie went to Heaven I sat around her bed with Chad and their friends Bryan, Kara and Trevor, who also happen to lead worship at their church. They had come that day because in a matter of thirty minutes Bryan and Trevor had written a song for Kristie. They came as I was about to leave and when she opened her eyes and saw them she said to me, “Don’t you dare leave.” And so, as I had done many times before, I listened to Kristie.
They sang over her (to listen to Kristie's Song click here). We sang over her. Kara prayed over her. We prayed over her. And we all cried. When the singing was done, Kristie, frail and thin, not able to speak well, strength almost gone, looked at Kara and told her to trade places with Chad, so that Chad would be right next to her. I thought to myself and giggled inside how even though she was weak she was still bossy. Then she told Bryan to switch places with me. We obeyed. And once next to her, she turned her head toward me; eyes still closed, and asked me to tell the story of her daughter, Emilie’s adoption. I looked at Chad a little befuddled, because I wasn’t there. But Kristie insisted saying I had heard the story so many times.
Chad told the story and every now and then Kristie would inject a detail. One of those details was when they picked a name they decided to spell it with an “ie” versus the traditional “y”. We laughed at some of the problems that causes, like never being able to find a license plate for your bicycle with your name spelled on it.
There was something about this story we were missing and I could sense a slight restlessness about Kristie because of it. Then she said, I’m going to write a book titled, It’s All About the E. I said, “Emilie will always have a piece of you because she has your ie.” Kristie sat up (as much as she could) and turned her head to look at me, with eyes open wide. Then she lay back down.
See, Emilie and Daniel are adopted. They don’t look like Kristie and Chad. When they were naming Emilie Kristie knew that she would have Chad’s last name and she wanted Em to have a piece of her, hence the spelling of her name, Kristie with an “ie” and Emilie with an “ie”.
Emilie will always have a piece of Kristie. Because of the spelling of her name, but also because for 13 years of her life she has had a mom fully invested in her who loved her well, taught her, and poured into her.
But as I thought about Kristie’s book title I thought about how all who have known her, and even some who don’t, have a piece of her. Her influence, because she loved Jesus and loved others well, has impacted people. So, it’s all about the “E”. The “E” is what she imprinted on our souls with the way she lived and the way she loved and the way she gave generously. And even after she left this earth and has gone to Heaven, people are still being impacted.
My story speaks to Kristie’s story and points to God’s story. He is the Author. My story is a piece of a greater whole. Weave all of these stories together and it starts to get exciting. But still, all point to a greater, wilder, adventure story that the Author is writing. And the stories point to the Author.
The Author is still writing. He is writing His story in your life and in the lives of those around you. God is alive! God is speaking! God is on the move!
Share your story. Email it to And please know, this blog will continue. In Kristie’s memory but for Christ’s name, because her story speaks to the greater story that is still being written!
To close I want to share the lyrics that a friend of mine wrote who is in Kristie’s Wednesday night women’s Bible study. May they touch your heart as they do mine. Remember, there is a better story. There is an Author. And HE LOVES YOU!
Better Story by Beth Hogenmiller
You write a better story
Better than I could pen
You write a better story
Better than anyone
You are the author
You’ve written all my days
You know each battle that I will face
You come to fight for me, to save me, and win
For You win in life, You win in death
You win right now
You win in the end
You win in death, You win in life
You win right now and in the end
You write lines that make the poets leap
You write songs that swell the seas
You write prose that keeps us on our toes
You wrote down how You treasure me
And You wrote my name
In Your Book of Life
You engraved my name on Your hand
You wrote my days before the world began
Made me a part of Your Greatest Plan
You win in life, You win in death
You win right now
You win in the end
You win in death, You win in life
You win right now and in the end
Take my dim and dreary dreams
Trade them for Your own
Erase my fierce and selfish pride
That I may kneel before Your throne
Burn my pages gingerly
Pry them from my grasp
Replace them with Your artistry
And make my hope be You, at last
May God bless your family and be comforted to know that she present with the Lord! As a fellow 'ie' (which I'm particular about as well), it's interesting to note that BOTH children have an 'ie' in their names. She gave it to both of them :)